WINDSOR. Canada. Ottobre 2006.
On November 11 the documentary Anger Me produced by “Segnale Digitale” and “A Few Step Productions” was shown at the Capitol Theatre as part of Windsor’s International Film Festival held in Windsor, Canada.
HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. Canada. October 2006.
The selection of documentaries presented during the 26th edition of the Atlantic Film Festival (September 14-23 2006) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada included Angerme, produced by “Segnale Digitale” and “A Few Step Productions“.
COPENAGHEN. Denmark. November 2006.
The documentary Anger Me produced by “Segnale Digitale” and “A Few Step Productions” was shown at the International Copenaghen Film Festival held in Danemark on November 10-19 2006.WINDSOR. Canada. Octubre 2006.